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Special Collections: The Muhlenberg Weekly

Research guide for the digital version of The Muhlenberg Weekly student newspaper.

Muhlenberg Weekly

Muhlenberg’s student newspaper began as the Muhlenberg Monthly, a combination literary magazine and student paper, in 1883.  It continued as a monthly publication, changing title to The Muhlenberg in 1888.  In 1914 the publication became a weekly and the name changed once again, to The Muhlenberg Weekly, the name it maintains today.

Throughout its nearly 140-year history, the Weekly has covered Muhlenberg’s academic, social, and sporting activities. Print copies are available in the library's Main Collection on Level B (Per. 371.897m2).

The Muhlenberg Weekly has been digitized through a generous gift from the Muhlenberg College Alumni Trust Fund. Each issue is text-searchable, thus alumni and researchers can locate students, faculty, and events via a keyword search. For a brief tutorial (text and/or video) on how to search, please visit Navigating the Weekly.

Trexler Library’s Special Collections & Archives makes student-produced publications available for historical research. As historical documents that are representative of their respective eras, some issues may contain imagery and text that reflect racial prejudices and injustices that are not in any way condoned by the College or Trexler Library. We present them in their entirety to aid in the understanding of history and culture both in the nation and at the College.


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Profile Photo
Susan Falciani Maldonado