Kelly Cannon
Scholarly Communication Librarian,
Humanities & Business
Subject Specialist
phone: 484-664-3602
Language and Sebbar
Language, Filiation, and Affiliation in Leïla Sebbar's Autobiographical Narratives
The Mother Tongue of Leïla Sebbar
Language and Space in the Fiction of Assia Djébar and Leïla Sebbar
I Write in Arabic, a Foreign Language in Our Home, I Write of God, a Foreigner in Our Home
Arabic: The Silenced Father Tongue
Identity and Sebbar
Cultural Métissage and the Play of Identity in Leïla Sebbar's Shérazade Trilogy
Uncharting Cultural Identity: The Spirit of Displacement in Leïla Sebbar's Fiction
From Schéhérazade to Shérazade: Self-fashioning in the Works of Leïla Sebbar
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