The following examples will hopefully illustrate how this system works.
Books about Shakespeare & his works
Title: Essential Shakespeare : the Arden guide to text and interpretation (edited by) Pamela Bickley, & Jennifer Stevens.
Dewey number 822.33 = Shakespeare
First Cutter A3 = Criticism, general
Second Cutter E786s = Note: edited volumes are Cuttered by title
Title: Bard on the brain : understanding the mind through the art of Shakespeare and the science of brain imaging by Matthews, Paul M.
Dewey number 822.33 = Shakespeare
First Cutter A45 = Psychology / philosophy
Second Cutter M441b = Matthews.
Each individual work of Shakespeare’s has its own number:
Title: Hamlet edited by John Dover Wilson, published 2009
Dewey number 822.33 = Shakespeare
First Cutter H2 = Hamlet
Second Cutter W749 = Wilson (no title mark, as it would be redundant)
2009 = published in 2009
Criticism of individual titles, (i.e. books about a work) are shelved after the works themselves by adding a ‘z’ to the first Cutter:
Title: Time in the play of Hamlet, by Edward Payson Vining
Dewey number 822.33 = Shakespeare
First Cutter H2z = Hamlet (+z for criticism)
Second Cutter V785t = Vining