Kelly Cannon
Humanities & Business Librarian
phone: x3602
IM (AIM, Yahoo): refcannon
Sample LC subject headings for books on food:
Potatoes history
Potatoes social aspects
Food habits psychological aspects
Diet psychological aspects
Food preferences psychology
Food psychological aspects
Food preferences in children
African Americans food history
African American cooking history
Jews food history
Jewish cooking history
Beef food habits
Chocolate history
For tips on citing print and electronic sources, visit Trexler Library's Citation Guides for Print and Electronic Resources.
Or visit the Online Writing Lab at Purdue.
For automated citation, try the shareware Zotero. Directions for installing Zotero here.
For help with annotated bibliographies, visit Purdue's Online Writing Lab for definitions and format of an annotation.
Articles and books not found in Trexler Library can be ordered on interlibrary loan.