Kelly Cannon
Humanities Librarian
phone: x3601
To get the full-text of an article:
If you are in a library database with "Get-it" buttons, click on "Get-it." This button will take you the full text of your article or tell you that the full text cannot be found. If the full text is not available from Trexler Library, interlibrary loan the book or article.
If you have citation information for the article (journal title, year, title, etc.), type the information about your article in the article finder on the library website. If the library subscribes to the full text, you will be directed to the article. If not, you can request a copy of the article via interlibrary loan.
If Trexler Library does not have access to the full text of the article, search Google Scholar by article title to see if the author has made a copy freely available online. Look to the far right of the article's title to see if there is a link to a freely available copy.
Encyclopedia of the Paranormal
Reference 133.03 S819e
Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience
Reference 503 S553s v.1-2
For tips on citing print and electronic sources, visit Trexler Library's Citation Guides for Print and Electronic Resources.
Or visit the Online Writing Lab at Purdue.
For automated citation, try the shareware Zotero. Directions for installing Zotero here.
For help with annotated bibliographies, visit Purdue's Online Writing Lab for definitions and format of an annotation.
Articles and books not found in Trexler Library can be ordered on interlibrary loan.