Trexler Library is home to thousands of titles that can be used for 'leisure reading' and entertainment. The tabs below include information on books, film & video, newspapers and magazines, and graphic novels available.
Other parts of this guide include information on reading groups, other local Libraries you can visit (and borrow from) as well as some sites that can guide you to what to read next... enjoy!
Trexler Library maintains a large collection of recently published and historical popular books, available for the campus community for leisure reading.
Originally pulled from the NY Times Bestseller list, the collection has expanded to include more diverse titles recommended by faculty and staff. Titles are routinely added and removed, so check back frequently for the latest!
Popular fiction from the Main Collection.
Trexler Library's selection of literature has been collected since the early 20th Century, beginning with the College’s Euterpian and Sophronian literary societies, before there was a "Muhlenberg College Library".
Located on C Level, books of American and British fiction are found in Dewey Decimal 813 (American fiction) and 823 (British fiction) ranges.
The Encompass search below includes Fiction books from both American and British literature.
Literature by Genre.
Looking for a specific 'genre' of fiction? Use the links below to search Encompass by the genres listed!
For more information on searching Encompass by Genre, see our guide:
Movies at Trexler Library
Trexler owns thousands of Feature Films ('movies') on DVD and BluRay. Your best bet might be to come in and look for one you want to watch in our AV Area Stacks (they are mostly shelved by title...)
If you want a taste of what we have to offer, use the links listed here to search the Encompass Catalog for movies.
Other Streaming options at Trexler.
Trexler Library subscribes to many popular newspapers and magazines in both print format (when available) and online.
Our 'reading lounge' area (located on A level just outside the Information Commons) showcases most of these magazines and newspapers, current issues of which are displayed on the shelves in this area.
We also have an ever-increasing amount of subscriptions and access to newspapers and magazines online... free for students and faculty to access! See links below for a few highlights...