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Encompass Search Trexler Library

Refining Results by Filtering and using Facets

Once you have done your search, you can Refine this search by filtering or using facets

On the left hand side of your results (below the Sort: selector) you will find filters or “facets” you can use to filter and refine your results.

  • Search Results Display - In this accordion you have the choice to display:
    • "Group editions and formats" (the default) In this setting the system groups together related editions in the search results under a single “representative record”.  This can result in fewer hits--which may be less overwhelming--but may also hide the edition that you are searching for! 
    • "Hide duplicates" groups "variant records" --or records for the same edition but in different languages of cataloging.
    • "Show all" Select this box to show all records for the search.
  • Expand this Search - (on by default) This setting automatically expands your search to include related terms based on Library Subjects.  Un-check this to only search for the terms you entered.
  • Held by Library - you can select whether you want to see results held by "Libraries Worldwide" (the default search of the entire WorldCat database) or only items held by Trexler Library. 

    • Note that some books will be marked as "Held" only as an ebook, others may be physically housed in the library stacks, and some may be both!  

  • Format - With this facet you can limit to a specific format, like DVD or Print Book, or a pre-set group of formats such as Video--which would include DVD as well as VHS, Film, BluRay, and eVideo!

  • Content type

    • Full Text - Will limit your search results to only those items for which Trexler Library has access to the Full Text of the ebook or article found.

    • Open Access - Will limit your search results to only those items which are available under "Open Access" guidelines.  For more information, see: our guide on Open Access.

    • Biography, Fiction, or non-fiction - Will limit your results to only the content type checked.

    • Peer Reviewed - Will limit your search results to only those items which are scholarly in nature and have been published in a Journal or book that has been reviewed by scholars in the field.  

  • Publication Year - Limit to more recent works by clicking on "Last 5, 10, or 25 years" or input a custom range of years. 

    • Note that the publication year may not be the same as the original year of publication, especially if the title has been re-issued or re-published.

  • Author/Creator - Limit by author's name.  Note that different forms of an author's name may be listed.

  • Subject - Limit by the specific topic you are interested in.  These are based on Library subject lists.

  • Databases - Here you can limit your search to only items listed in the massive WorldCat database, or include articles and books listed in EBSCO's "Academic Search Complete".  For more information on using Encompass Search to search other databases, see Advanced Searching.

  • Language - Limit by the Language of the resource.    

Once you have selected your filter criteria, a "Selected Filters" area will appear in the Search Tools area.  This will list all of your current filters, and includes a box to check if you want to "Keep" your selections for the next search.  This is handy for when you are doing multiple searches and want to get similar results, BUT remember that you have filters on which may affect your search results in ways you might not expect!

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