Sort order
By default, your search will be sorted with items held by Trexler Library first (i.e. the “Library” sort).
You can check the sort order (or change it) by using the “Sort:” dropdown located just above your results.
The Sort: options are:
Library [default]: lists Trexler Library holdings first, then uses a combination of Title, Author, Date, and number of holdings by institutions worldwide.
Best match: Ranks by Title, Author, Date and number of holdings by institutions worldwide with an emphasis placed on Title. When searching for a 'known title' this is the option that will most likely result in the hit being at the top of your results (especially if you surround the title in quotes!)
Recency: Ranks by Date, Title, Author, and number of holdings by institutions worldwide with an emphasis placed on Date.
Author (A-Z): Sorts by special characters or numbers, then A to Z by last name.
Date* (Newest First): Sorts chronologically by publication date with newest items listed first.
Date* (Oldest First): Sorts chronologically by publication date with oldest items listed first.
Most Widely Held: Presents an "un-clustered" view of search results with an emphasis on number of holdings by institutions worldwide and a combination of Date, Title, and Author.
Title (A-Z): Sorts by special characters, then alphabetically by Title. Only the article "the" is ignored.
*NOTE: Dates in the case of the OCLC database may not be original publication date, but rather the date of publication of the edition in hand.
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