The following is a list of the Major Class prefixes used in SuDocs numbers.
A | Agriculture Dept |
C 3 | Census Bureau (part of the Commerce Dept) |
D | Defense Department |
E | Energy Department |
ED | Education Department |
EP | Environmental Protection Agency |
GA | Government Accountability Office |
HE | Health and Human Services |
HS | Homeland Security |
I | Interior Department |
J | Justice Department |
JU | Judiciary (Federal Courts) |
L | Labor Department |
NAS | National Aeronautics and Space (NASA) |
S | State Department |
SI | Smithsonian Institution |
X, Y | Congress |
Starting points for research using Federal Government resources.
The easiest way to access "Government Documents" at Trexler Library is to use our Online Catalog, Encompass Search.
In the process of your research you may naturally find items with alpha-numeric call numbers other than Dewey Decimal numbers. Call numbers beginning with a letter are usually either items from the Federal Depository or they are Special Collections items.
Look at the Shelving Location in the catalog record to determine where an item is located. If the location says "U.S. Government Publications..." you've found a Gov. Doc! If there's a link on the record, you can access the content directly; if there is no link, then see the following guide on how to locate the document on the shelves!