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Public Performance Rights (PPR) for video at Trexler Library

What are PPR?

Public Performance Rights (or ‘PPR’) for films and video are the legal rights to publicly show a film or video to an audience outside the classroom teaching environment.  These rights are generally managed by the producer or distributor of the media in question. 

Individuals and organizations are responsible for obtaining performance rights for all publicly screened media.  Getting the rights is relatively easy, and there are many videos for which we already have the rights.

Trexler Library does not typically secure PPR with regular video purchases due to higher associated costs. However, many distributors of our educational videos include PPR in the purchase price, which means these videos can be shown under conditions specified by the license.

Where PPR have been purchased with Trexler Library content there will generally be a statement in the notes field on the record in the catalog, and sometimes on the content itself. 

If you would like to use a video for a public performance as defined in this guide, the specific terms of the licenses for individual films that have PPRs can be provided by library staff.

Please contact Karen Gruber, Acquisitions and Budget Manager

(phone: 484-664-3570, email:

  • for information about specific licenses;
  • if you have additional questions regarding the terms of use of these items or
  • if you would like a license with broader terms. 

For further questions about PPR or other aspects of copyright, contact the Scholarly Communication Librarian at .